Lili M. Rampe & povabljeni ustvarjalci — MKC Maribor

Lili M. Rampe & povabljeni ustvarjalci

2., 3., 4. 9. 2015

 11:00, Plesna Izba Maribor


umetniški laboratorij / artists’ lab


Umetniški laboratorij že s svojim imenom obljublja nepričakovano, ter negotovo. Je skupni prostor združenih festivalov Platforma ter Performe, ki gostujoče umetnike približujeta publiki ne le skozi uprizorjena dela, temveč skozi konkrete prijeme njihove umetniške prakse. Skupaj bomo poglabljali odnos do neznanega – dovoljeno nam je naslavljati nerazumljeno, morda tudi nesmiselno, a vsekakor zaznavno ter občutno skozi določene vidike našega bitja oziroma umetniškega udejstvovanja.

Letošnji format je pripravljen prav posebej za izmenjave specifičnosti posameznikovih pristopov k ustvarjanju. Vsak dan bo eden izmed gostujočih umetnikov delil ne le svojo prakso v tehničnem smislu, temveč ga format spodbuja k iskanju in deljenju tistih presenetljivih, morda čudno obsesivnih momentov, vzgibov, ki zanetijo umetnikov ustvarjalni ogenj, da ga v raznovrstnosti delovnih pogojev nese daleč preko omejitev le teh. Najpomembnejši člen laboratorija pa je letos obiskovalec, ki ni le sprejemnik teh iskric strasti, ampak mu je ponujena prav posebna vloga sodelujočega, ki na umetnikov predlog reagira, vnaša lastna vprašanja ter primere iz prakse, je pripravljen skozi kratke vaje in skupinske procese preizkusiti umetnikove postopke, prijeme ter fascinacije ter jih nato skupaj reflektirati.

Umetniški laboratorij je namenjen prav vsem, ne le tistim, ki sami razvijajo svoje delo in želijo razširiti svoj umetniški pristop. Zaželjeni so pa še posebej lokalni umetniki, ki se nujno ne udejstvujejo le skozi plesno umetnost, saj je format namenjen medsebojnemu oplajanju različnih disciplin. Tako pričakujemo, da se bomo skupaj dotaknili neznanih, morda mistificiranih procesov, področij in jih inovativno prekrojili v nove motorje naše kreativne strasti.


As hinted at already by the name, Artists' Lab promises the unexpected, the unpredictable. The lab is a common space of the festivals Performa and Platforma, which aim to present guest artists not only by showing their works but also by demonstrating concrete approaches and methods of their artistic practice. Together we will nurture our relation to the unknown: we will allow ourselves to address the incomprehensible, perhaps even the meaningless, but still perceptible and sensible as it is revealed to us through certain aspects of our being and artistic endeavours.

This year's format, that of a laboratory, has been chosen precisely because it readily allows for an exchange of specific creative approaches between individual artists. Each day, when a guest artist will share his practice, s/he will not do this in a mere technical sense, because the format itself will stimulate her/him to explore and share those surprising, perhaps strangely obsessive moments and impulses that ignite artistic creative fire that sweeps through the variety of working conditions and their limitations, and beyond.

The far most important element of this year' laboratory is the visitor. We wish her/him not to be a mere receiver of these sparks of passion, but to take on the crucial role of the participant and to respond to artists' proposals, bring in specific questions and practical examples, try out artistic procedures, approaches, and fascinations by way of short exercises and group processes, and to then reflect on them.

Artists' Lab is open to everyone, not only to the makers who are already developing their own work and wish to expand their methodologies. Local artists, not necessarily dance or performance artists, are especially welcome, since the format is intended to mutual interaction and communication between different disciplines. We hope to touch upon the unknown, perhaps mystified processes and areas and to retailor them in innovative ways into the new motors of our creative passion.

Lili Mihajlović Rampre prihaja iz Slovenije, kjer je magistrirala iz fizike. Je prejemnica štipendije Nomad Dance Academy ter glavna nagrajenka slovenskega državnega tekmovanja mladih koreografov. V sklopu programa WILD CARD ter v okviru programa koreografska raziskava (ReRc) je bila rezidenčna umetnica v Centre Chorégraphique National de Montpellier. Leta 2012 je magistrirala iz sodobne plesne pedagogike na frankfurtski Univerzi za glasbo in uprizoritvene umetnosti.

LILI MIHAJLOVIĆ RAMPRE comes from Slovenia, where she obtained her B.S. in
physics. She was a recipient of the Nomad Dance Academy Scholarship and was
granted a residency for choreographic research (ReRc) at the Centre
Chorégraphique National de Montpellier as part of the programme WILD CARD.
She was awarded first prize in Slovenia's national competition for young
choreographers. In 2012 she completed her master's degree in contemporary
dance education at the Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts.
