Hitrejše kot telo — MKC Maribor

Hitrejše kot telo

Petek / Friday, 4.9.

20:00, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre


predstava / performance


Avtorica: Nina Milin
Ustvarjalke in plesalke: Vanja Kolanovič, Pia Lavuger, Zarja Lampret Prešeren
Avtorska glasba in izvedba: Špela Huzjak

Nedvomno prvinskost, ki nam še ostaja, ostaja v telesu. V gibu, v vsakem premiku, ki ga naredimo. Telo ostaja v močni povezanosti s svojim bistvom prav skozi umetnost plesa, pri čemer pa seveda tudi v tem veliko vlogo odigrajo naše miselne projekcije, narek, ki ga vsak trenutek dobivamo iz glave. V tem oziru se zato poraja vprašanje, kdo je hitrejši, telo ali misel? 

Nina Milin je v Plesni izbi Maribor aktivna že več kot 17 let, zadnjih 9 let poučuje plesne klase, v o okviru katerih je poučevala plesalce vseh starosti, kot mentorica pa sodeluje z mladimi plesalci v okviru plesnih tekmovanj in kreativnih procesih. Kot plesalka je v preteklih letih sodelovala s slovenskimi in tujimi koreografi, kot so Snježana Premuš, Rebecca Murgi, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Jasmina Križaj, Milan Tomašik in Matej Kejžar.


Concept: Nina Milin
Created and performed by: Vanja Kolanovič, Pia Lavuger, Zarja Lampret Prešeren
Music created and performed by: Špela Huzjak

Primal instincts we have left are undoubtedly stored in the body. In our motion, in every move we make. The body remains strongly connected to its essence precisely through the art of dance. However, in dance, like elsewhere, our mental projections, concepts that pop up in our brains at all times play in important role. In this sense, we have to ask ourselves: which is faster, the body or the mind?

Nina Milin has been active in Plesna Izba Maribor for over 17 years. Over the past nine years, she has regularly given dance classes to dancers of all ages; as a mentor, she has worked with many young talented dancers preparing for dance competitions as well as tutored them in their creative processes. As a dancer, she has worked with Slovenian and international choreographers, such as Snježana Premuš, Rebecca Murgi, Andreja Rauch Podrzavnik, Jasmina Križaj, Milan Tomašik and Matej Kejžar.
