Zapiski o utopiji

Petek / Friday, 4.9. 

18:00, Tkalka


Interaktivni performance/ interactive performance

Alexander Gerner, Marie Nerland, Lígia Soares: Zapiski o utopiji

Zapiski o utopiji je performans, ki na podlagi določene situacije ponudi refleksijo sodobne utopije, javnega prostora in utopičnih premislekov v umetnosti in življenju. V prehajanju med vzpenjanjem po stopnicah, gledanju v strop in srečevanju s publiko, ki sedi za mizo, se performans približuje utopiji prek različnih načinov soočanja z imaginarnimi prostori in časi.

Gostovanje predstave v Mariboru je podprl Svet za umetnost Norveške. Predstava je prejela podporo Centra za elektronsko umetnost v Bergnu, Sveta za umetnost Norveška in mesta Bergen. Raziskovalni projekt Alexandra Gernerja prejema podporo fundacije FCT (SFRH/BPD/90360/2012).

Alexander Gerner je nemški dramatik, gledališki režiser in raziskovalec na področju filozofije kognitivnih znanosti. Živi in dela v Lizboni. Je član Centra za filozofijo znanosti na tamkajšnji univerzi (CFCUL), doktoriral pa je s temo Filozofski premisleki pozornosti (2012). Trenutno je na CFCUL vodja tematskega raziskovalnega področja Filozofija človeških tehnologij in postdoktorski raziskovalec na temo Filozofija kognitivnega izboljševanja (, za katero tudi prejema raziskovalno štipendijo FCT. V okviru tega preučuje, kako tehnologije sestavljajo, večajo in krepijo človekove izkušnje ter kako lahko hkrati tudi zasužnjijo oziroma ogrozijo tako človekovo izkustvo kot življenje.

Marie Nerland je umetnica in kuratorka, ki živi v Bergnu na Norveškem. Na Univerzi v Bergnu je magistrirala iz teatrologije, na tamkajšnji Akademiji za umetnost in oblikovanje pa iz ustvarjalnih kuratorskih praks. S performansi se ukvarja od leta 1999 v okviru projektov, ki jih razvija v sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki. Bila je sourednica revije, posvečene performativni umetnosti, 3t (1997-2007) in zbornika Norwegian Art Yearbook (Pax Forlag, 2010-2014). Leta 2008 je ustanovila kuratorski projekt za sodobno umetnost Volt s sedežem v Bergnu.

Lígia P. Soares je portugalska koreografinja in dramatičarka, ki deluje na polju performativnih umetnosti. Svojo ustvarjalno pot je pričela leta 1997 v Lizboni v okviru skupine Companhia de Teatro Sensurround. Od leta 2001 je kot samostojna ustvarjalka ali v sodelovanju z drugimi umetniki ustvarila več kot 20 del. Svoja dela razvija in predstavlja tako doma kot v mednarodnem okolju. 

Alexander Gerner, Marie Nerland, Lígia Soares: Notes on Utopia

Notes on Utopia is a performance which builds a situation for reflecting on contemporary utopia, on public space, and on utopian thoughts in art and life. Passing from climbing stairs, to looking at the ceiling, or meeting the audience seated at a table, this performance approaches utopia through various modes of dealing with imaginary spaces and times. 

The presentation of the performance in Maribor is funded by Arts Council Norway. Notes on Utopia was made with support from Bergen Center for Electronic Art, Arts Council Norway, and City of Bergen. Alexander Gerner’s (CFCUL) research is supported by a FCT grant SFRH/BPD/90360/2012.

Alexander Gerner is a German playwright, theatre director, and researcher in Philosophy of Cognitive Sciences, based in Lisbon. He is a member of the Centre for Philosophy of Science at the University of Lisbon (CFCUL) and holds a PhD on Philosophical Investigations of Attention (2012). At the moment he is head of the CFCUL thematic research line Philosophy of Human Technologies and a Post-Doc Researcher at the CFCUL on the topic of Philosophy of Cognitive Enhancement with an FCT research grant. He investigates how technologies constitute, magnify, amplify human experiences, but can also enslave or put human experience and life at risk.

Marie Nerland is an artist and curator based in Bergen, Norway. She holds a master in theatre studies from the University of Bergen and in creative curatorial practice from the Bergen Academy of Art and Design. She has been working with performance since 1999 in different collaborative projects. She was co-editor of the performing arts magazine 3t (1997-2007) and the Norwegian Art Yearbook (Pax Forlag, 2010-2014). In 2008, she founded Volt, a curatorial project for contemporary art, based in Bergen.

Lígia P. Soares is a Portuguese choreographer and playwright working in the field of performative arts. She started her work in 1997 with Companhia de Teatro Sensurround in Lisbon. Since 2001 she has independently or in collaboration created more than 20 pieces. Her work has been developed and presented both nationally and internationally.