Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens: Aneckxander — MKC Maribor

Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens: Aneckxander

Četrtek/ Thursday, 3.9.

 20:00, Lutkovno gledališče Maribor / Maribor Puppet Theatre


predstava / performance


Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens


Tragična avtobiografija telesa

Predstava (ples in cirkus)

Nad 15 let


Koncept: Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens

Izvedba: Alexander Vantournhout

Dramaturgija: Bauke Lievens

Dramaturško svetovanje: Dries Douibi, Gerald Kurdian

Zunanje oči: Geert Belpaeme, Anneleen Keppens, Lore Missine, Lili M. Rampre, Methinee Wongtrakoon

Oblikovanje luči: Tim Oelbrandt, Rinus Samyn

Glasba: Arvo Pärt

Kostumografija: Nefeli Myrtidi, Anne Vereecke
Fotografije: Bart Grietens

Produkcija: NOT STANDING vzw / Beversesteenweg 78, 8800 Roeselare (BE)

Koprodukcija: Circus Next, Subsistances, Perplx, Festival novog cirkusa

Rezidenčni programi: Vooruit (BE), Circuscentrum (BE), Cc De Warande (BE), Humorologie (BE), Centro Cultural Vila Flor (PT), Les Migrateurs (FR), Subtopia (SE), Cc De Spil (BE), La Brèche (FR), Subsistances (FR), STUK (BE)

S podporo: West Flanders Province, Flemish Government, Circus Next

ANECKXANDER je minimalistična predstava, v kateri se ob spremljavi treh različic klavirske skladbe skladatelja Arva Pärta soočijo akrobatsko telo in peščica skrbno izbranih predmetov. V predstavi Alexander / Aneckxander predeluje oziroma na novo piše avtobiografijo svojega telesa – kot subjekt, objekt oziroma kot organska snov, pri tem pa spretno krmari na tanki črti med tragedijo in komedijo. Aneckxander je odkritosrčen avtoportret telesa, ki se obenem razgalja in beži pred radovednim pogledom gledalca.

V sodelovanju z Bauke Lievens v okviru raziskovalnega projekta Between being and imagining: towards a methodology for artistic research in contemporary circus, ki ga financira raziskovalni sklad Fakultete za umetnost (KASK) Univerze v Gentu (BE).

S podporo evropske sheme Circus Next, ki jo koordinira Talents Cirque Europe, ki prejema podporo Evropske komisije.

Alexander Vantournhout (Roeselare, 1989) je študiral sodobni ples na P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts and Research Studios, Bruselj) in izpopolnjeval svoje veščine na monokolesu na Visoki šoli cirkuških umetnosti (ESAC) v Bruslju. Kot igralec je sodeloval z ustanoviteljem Akademije za gledališče v Fredrickstadtu (NO) Rolfom Almejem. Je predavatelj na ESAC-u in na Akademiji za cirkuške in performativne umetnosti v Tilburgu na Nizozemskem. Ustvaril je že več solističnih predstav, med drugimi tudi solo Caprices (2014), ki jo je ustvaril kot poklon italijanskemu skladatelju sodobne resne glasbe Salvatoru Sciarrinu, ter Don't Run Away, John (2012), v sodelovanju z Nikom Hafkenscheidom (glasbenikom, ki je sodeloval z Meg Stuart, Kopergietery, itd.). Leta 2014 je pričel v sodelovanju s Haraldom Austbojem (Heimat, Skagen) razvijati lastne improvizacijske postopke, ki jih je s Haraldom med drugim predstavil tudi v njunem duetu WAK (2014).

Bauke Lievens (Ghent, 1985) je dramaturginja, ki sodeluje s številnimi cirkuškimi, plesnimi in gledališkimi skupinami. Študij gledaliških znanosti je končala na Univerzi v Gentu, študij filozofije sodobne umetnosti pa na Univerzi v Barceloni (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona). Med drugim je sodelovala s cirkuško skupino Un loup pour l’homme (FR), Kaori Ito/les ballets C de la B (JAP/BE) ter z mladim gledališkim kolektivom iz Genta Tibaldus en anderehoeren. Je predavateljica in raziskovalka na dramskem oddelku Fakultete za umetnost (KASK) v Gentu. Trenutno je vpeta v štiriletni raziskovalni projekt na Fakulteti za umetnost (KASK), v katerem se ukvarja z metodologijami umetniške raziskave na področju sodobne cirkuške umetnosti. Pred kratkim je postala članica uredniškega odbora revije za performativne umetnosti Etcetera.

Alexander Vantournhout in Bauke Lievens sta se spoznala leta 2011. Kljub začetni osuplosti nad obojestranskim vztrajanjem na lastnih stališčih o umetnosti sta se leta 2014 odločila za skupni podvig. Za predstavo Aneckxander bi tako lahko rekli, da je faux solo, saj gre za rezultat intenzivnega dialoga med ustvarjalcema, pri čemer stoji Alexander na odru, Bauke pa v zakulisju. Kratka različica predstave (kot delo v nastajanju) je bila leta 2014 nagrajena na prestižni evropski platformi za mlade obetavne cirkuške umetnike Circus Next.

Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens


Performance (Dance/ Circus)

Age: 15+


Created by: Alexander Vantournhout & Bauke Lievens

Performed by: Alexander Vantournhout

Dramaturgy: Bauke Lievens

Dramaturgic advice: Dries Douibi, Gerald Kurdian

Outside eyes: Geert Belpaeme, Anneleen Keppens, Lore Missine, Lili M. Rampre, Methinee Wongtrakoon

Light design: Tim Oelbrandt, Rinus Samyn

Music: Arvo Pärt

Costume: Nefeli Myrtidi, Anne Vereecke
Photos: Bart Grietens

Producer: NOT STANDING vzw / Beversesteenweg 78, 8800 Roeselare (BE)

Co-producer: Circus Next, Subsistances, Perplx, Festival novog cirkusa

Residencies: Vooruit (BE), Circuscentrum (BE), Cc De Warande (BE), Humorologie (BE), Centro Cultural Vila Flor (PT), Les Migrateurs (FR), Subtopia (SE), Cc De Spil (BE), La Brèche (FR), Subsistances (FR), STUK (BE)

With the support of: West Flanders Province, Flemish Government, Circus Next

ANECKXANDER is a solo in a minimal setting for one acrobatic body, a handful of carefully selected objects, and three variations on a piece of piano music by Arvo Pärt. Balancing on the fine line between tragedy and comedy, Alexander/Aneckxander rewrites the autobiography of his own body: from subject to object to matter. The result is a raw self-portrait in which the body both exposes itself to and tries to escape from the prying eyes of those looking at it.

Collaboration with Bauke Lievens in the context of the research project Between Being and Imagining: towards a methodology for artistic research in contemporary circus, financed by the research fund of KASK School of Arts, Ghent (BE).

Supported by Circus Next, a European scheme coordinated by Talents Cirque Europe, funded with support from the European Commission.

Alexander Vantournhout (Roeselare, 1989) studied contemporary dance at P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts and Research Studios, Brussels) and single wheel at ESAC (Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque, Brussels). As an actor, he has worked with Rolf Alme (NO), founder of the Norwegian Theater Academy, Fredrickstadt (NO). In addition to focusing on his own work, Alexander also lectures at ESAC and ACAPA (Academy for Circus and Performance Art, Tilburg, NL). He has created a number of solos, including Caprices (2014), a homage to the music of Salvatore Sciarrino, and Don’t Run Away, John (2012), a performance with Niko Hafkenscheid (musician for Meg Stuart, Kopergietery… ). In 2014, Alexander joined forces with Harald Austbo (Heimat, Skagen) to further develop his interest in improvisation. Their most recent collaboration is called WAK (2014).

Bauke Lievens (Ghent, 1985) works as a dramaturge for various circus, dance, and theatre companies. In the past, she has worked with Cie Un loup pour l’homme (FR), Kaori Ito/les ballets C de la B (JAP/BE) and the young Ghent-based theatre collective Tibaldus en anderehoeren, among others. She studied Theatre Sciences at the Ghent University and Philosophy of Contemporary Art at the Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (ES). Bauke is a lecturer and researcher with the Drama department of KASK School of Arts (Ghent). She is currently working on a four-year research project at KASK School of Arts investigating the methods for artistic research into the creation of contemporary circus performances. Bauke recently joined the new editorial board of Etcetera.

Alexander Vantournhout and Bauke Lievens met in 2011. After initially being horrified by each other’s very strongly held opinions, they finally took the plunge and worked together in 2014. ANECKXANDER is therefore a faux solo. The performance is the result of an intense dialogue in which Alexander is on stage and Bauke is in the wings. With the short work-in-progress version of ANECKXANDER, they were chosen as a 2014 laureate by Circus Next, a prestigious European platform for talented young circus artists.
